Be realistic about what your offspring are like at their core—inexperienced and sinful [...]
If it is too good to be true, it is most likely a lie. . . .
From Martin Luther’s Preface to the Large Catechism:
Fear Stops Us. Faith Gives Us Confidence to Move Forward.
1. Denial is huge.  Family leaders strongly believe “It will not happen to my child.” [...]
Being a wimp is not as hard as one might think.  Most of us men would never dream that we are a wimp.
Prepare Your Kids, No Heartaches, Please! © 2022 Adults Saving Kids I was speaking at a […]
Start with a short look into how we are vulnerable See (Ways Youth Can Be Vulnerable to Human Traffickers) on this website.  Don’t lack preparedness. [...]
When people tell you that you are a discerning person, what do they observe that has them say that?  To be discerning means a person has the awareness and the knack of choosing between two things. [...]