By Alvin Erickson

Tools To Learn How to Use in Order to Stay Safe

© 2024 Adults Saving Kids

  • If it is too good to be true, it is most likely a lie.
  • Always referring back to one’s identity in Christ as a child of God
  • Developing boundaries, claiming boundaries
  • Praying for wisdom, guidance, a way out.
  • Talking about the gift of sex with one’s children
  • Being strong enough to say “No”.
  • The art of choosing safe friends
  • Recognizing evil perpetrators and how they work
  • Putting on the whole armor of God
  • Confirming what is going on before proceeding
  • Not going into risky situations without a companion
  • Learning to notice and observe what is going on—possible danger
  • Valuing wisdom and not being simple-minded
  • Claiming God’s gift of intuition, a gut feeling
  • Knowing how to use nonviolent responses. 
  • Learning the art of nonviolent communication
  • Thinking seriously of long-term consequences and outcomes

Evil Doers and Schemers (Wolves) Attacking American Youth

  • Child Molesters
  • Bullies
  • Scammers
  • Sextortionists
  • Drug or Alcohol Dealers
  • Internet Pornographers
  • Defrauders
  • Manipulative Peers
  • Some Music Lyricists
  • Those Luring to Unsupervised Parties
  • Misleading Messengers
  • Rapists, Date Rapists
  • Recruiters to Get Youth to Gamble
  • Advertisers
  • Sexting Promoters
  • Giving Rape Drugs
  • Human Traffickers
  • Spousal abusers
  • Promoters of Hooking Up Culture
  • Producers of Fake News
Contact Info:
Websites: or
Phone:		Cell: 612-708-1875 
Address:	Adults Saving Kids
		820 West 65th Street
                Apt. #1
		Richfield, MN  55423


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