Have we forgotten how important we are?  Have we failed to grasp the vital ministry we have been given and allowed it to slip away unnoticed?  Are we awake? [...]
When people tell you that you are a discerning person, what do they observe that has them say that?  To be discerning means a person has the awareness and the knack of choosing between two things. [...]
Are Our Children Prepared for Treacherous People? When we hear a 15-year-old girl has gone with […]
Truth Exposes And Transforms Lies One’s Identity in Christ Lie: I will live today, die and […]
• Want to look good, be noticed, get attention.• Want to be heard, to have someone […]
The ten challenges of the first volume and the ten actions of the second are specific, pointed and all make sense. You will have to read the books to find out what they are; which I encourage you to do. For those who care about our youth today, these books are must reading.
Do You Want Any Of Your Children or Grandchildren to Have to Deal With This? I […]