Prepare Your Kids, No Heartaches, Please! © 2022 Adults Saving Kids I was speaking at a […]
Start with a short look into how we are vulnerable See (Ways Youth Can Be Vulnerable to Human Traffickers) on this website.  Don’t lack preparedness. [...]
Have we forgotten how important we are?  Have we failed to grasp the vital ministry we have been given and allowed it to slip away unnoticed?  Are we awake? [...]
When people tell you that you are a discerning person, what do they observe that has them say that?  To be discerning means a person has the awareness and the knack of choosing between two things. [...]
Are Our Children Prepared for Treacherous People? When we hear a 15-year-old girl has gone with […]
Identity in Christ, Key to Authentic Living Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Poem Who Am I?Marcus Borg says American […]
Grandparents – Ways to prepare Grandchildren Bond and relate to them Engage with them Be a […]
Equipping Parents and Grandparents for their Family Ministries Can We Legitimately Say that Family Leaders Have […]
(Prostitution has been euphemized as an occupational alternative for women, as an answer to low paying, […]
Truth Exposes And Transforms Lies One’s Identity in Christ Lie: I will live today, die and […]