By Alvin Erickson

Fifteen Things to Know and Do to Not Get Trafficked or Aid Traffickers

© 2022 Adults Saving Kids

Start with a short look into how we are vulnerable See (Ways Youth Can Be Vulnerable to Human Traffickers) on this website.  Don’t lack preparedness.

1 Notice, observe, draw back and take in what is happening.  Too many details?

2. Too good to be true, someone comes into your life & says all the right things.

3. Have your own support group (family, friends, mentors, etc.) that lessens your need for love, caring, attention and compliments from someone else.

4. Claim your intuition, recognize how your intuition is really a gift to help you.

5. Always consult with someone you trust before making a big decision.

6. Be wise, be shrewd, be prudent, don’t allow yourself to be hurried.  Think through consequences.  Be aware of brain development, an immature pre-frontal cortex fails to see consequences, sometimes lacks good judgment.

7. Take someone with you if you are putting yourself into a risky situation.

8. Don’t get manipulated into doing something that supports the trafficker.

9. Remember who you are in Christ, a child of the eternal God, which is what you stand for.   Connivers seek to attack one’s sense of their identity and shift it.

10. Always keep in control.  Don’t let charming, niceness, smooth talk sway you.

11. Remember you never are obligated to in some way return the favor given you.  Setting up a need to return a favor is a favorite ploy of a manipulator.

12. Look out for person who can’t take “No” for an answer.  It is time to run!

13. Learn to say “No” firmly.  Don’t add a reason.  “No” is a complete sentence.

14. Confirm: Know name, address, phone everything you can about this person.

15. Ask penetrating questions, inquire of God.  Put schemer on the defensive.

(Some Scripture passages like Isaiah 58:6-12, II Samuel 13; Luke 20, Genesis 3; Proverbs 1-7; Matthew 10:16; Luke 4:18, 19; Ephesians 1, 4 and 6 can guide us).

Contact Info:
Websites: or
Phone:		Office:	612-869-5450
                Cell:	612-708-1875 
Address:	Adults Saving Kids
		6501 Woodlake Drive, #814
		Richfield, MN  55423


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