What Does “Saving” Mean in the Name– Adults Saving Kids
© 2024 Adults Saving Kids
A pastor questioned the use of the word “saving” in the name of our ministry called Adults Saving Kids? On the surface that is a good question. First of all, only God can save kids for salvation provided through the finished work of Christ. We surely believe that. Secondly, if we think of a parent running into a burning house to save his or her child, the word saving makes sense, but such would be a rare occasion. The same is true for a parent going after a drowning child. We are not addressing such events.
So, what do we mean when we use the word “saving”? First of all, we are thinking of what a parent does in raising a child. According to Bible texts like Deuteronomy 6, Psalm 78:1-8 and Ephesians 6:4, it is the calling of parents and yes, grandparents to teach the child in a very intentional way who God is and what God has done for them. This leads to the responsibility the parent takes on when an infant is baptized or dedicated. Since the child knows nothing of who God is, what God has provided for them and what it means to pray, to be a follower of Jesus, it is up to the parent to pass on and model the faith, to pray for them, to pray with their child and teach them to pray. As a result of this the parent has prepared the child to see himself or herself as a child of God, potentially open to be prepared to believe, to live the Christian life, to stay with the community of faith. The apostles Paul and Peter did not save people, but they brought them the Good News of Jesus. Upon hearing this message, the Holy Spirit brought faith into the lives of many. In like manner, the parent is called to be God’s messenger of the Good News of Christ.
When Martin Luther says parents are the bishops, apostles and priests in their own home, responsible for both the temporary and spiritual well-being of the child, is he not referring to what we are saying here? We are talking about laying the groundwork for faith to happen.
Secondly, we believe the word “saving” is appropriate for another reason. This comes from the book of Proverbs, chapters one to seven. It also comes from Jesus when he declares, “See, I am sending you out as sheep into the midst of wolves, so be wise or shrewd as a serpent and innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16. Here we are addressing the fact that most children are simple-minded, ignorant of the wolves or schemers in the world. On their own, they are likely to make foolish decisions and get themselves into trouble and heartache. This also will bring anguish to family leaders. So, they need to be taught wisdom and discernment. They need to see that it will be crucial for them to detect set-ups, to avoid traps, to fend off evildoers. Who will prepare them for that? Proverbs tells us this it depends on the child being equipped by the parents or perhaps grandparents to not be so vulnerable If that happen, these family leaders do play a part in “saving” the child from harm. Wolves=molesters, drug dealers, pornographers, bullies, predators, traffickers, defrauders, domestic violators.
Contact Info:
Websites: https://adultssavingkids.org or https://parentsarise.org
Phone: Cell: 612-708-1875
Email: info.adultssavingkids@gmail.com
Address: Adults Saving Kids
1810 11th Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55404
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