Twenty-Four Ways to Not Be a Strong Congregation
© 2024 Adults Saving Kids
- Don’t look for any substantial remedy for what has youth drop out of church life after confirmation.
- Be satisfied that a prayer chain can take the place of God’s expectation that all Christians be pray-ers.
- Hold no prayer meetings.
- Expect much from the pastor who is getting paid and little from the lay people.
- Do not come to grips with all the challenges of youth growing up in this culture and all the influences, dangers and evil scheming they are dealing with.
- Never address evil, the wiles of the devil and the need to put on continually the armor of God so one will be strong in the Lord.
- Act as though Sunday School, VBS and confirmation will be sufficient to give the youth the Christian education they need.
- Disregard what Luther saw that parents are the bishops, apostles and priests in their own families, their spiritual and temporal responsibilities.
- Overlook what God expects of grandparents in passing on the faith.
- Believe a ten or twelve minute sermon will be sufficient to feed the flock for the week.
- Be satisfied that a member is simply a member on the rolls and leave it at that.
- Focus on issues brought up by the media and what is in vogue at the time.
- Never identify the callings or ministries people have and what responsibilities those callings entail.
- Never preach sermons that apply the text to those specific responsibilities.
- Never develop a program that has all members prayed for daily by other members.
- Develop no training that equips parents and grandparents for their home ministries as mandated by Ephesians 4:11, 12.
- Do not return calls to people who call the church office.
- Never mobilize all the members to see themselves as having a vital part in building up the body of Christ.
- Have no one in the congregation be a responsible spiritual leader except the pastor.
- Never enroll and train people to be adult education leaders.
- In spite of scamming, Internet pornography, child molestation, defrauding, domestic violence, addictions, scheming, others taking advantage of vulnerable people, never address or provide wisdom for dealing with such.
- Don’t address persecutions Christians are facing or will face or the cost of discipleship which calls a congregation to prepare the people as to how they will handle the attacks coming at them.
- Keep far in the background the reality of the wrath of God.
- Overlook the importance of rejoicing in the Lord always and giving thanks in all circumstances.
See: www.adultssavingkids.org 612-708-1875 We seek to provide what can aid in shifting some of these missing pieces into some workable solutions if a congregation is looking for resources or ways to build itself up as the body of Christ from where it is at.
Contact Info:
Websites: https://adultssavingkids.org or https://parentsarise.org
Phone: Cell: 612-708-1875
Email: info.adultssavingkids@gmail.com
Address: Adults Saving Kids
1810 11th Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55404
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