Twelve Ways I Have Sinned Against Christ As A Pastor
© 2024 Adults Saving Kids
- I have not done what the Scriptures clearly assigned me to do—equip members for their ministries. Ephesians 4:11-12.
- I have not taken the ministries of people in the congregation seriously.
- I have not spoken clearly to parents and grandparents what their callings are and what they are to be doing to fulfill those callings.
- When preaching I have not spoken to the responsibilities members have in conducting their own ministries, to the accountability they have before God.
- I have not even looked at ways of helping members find how they can show they are accountable for how they are conducting their ministries.
- I have not looked for the resources which are available to parents and grandparents which would empower them and teach them to be better prepared for their challenging callings.
- I have not emphasized the importance of everyone in the congregation praying.
- I have not offered training for people to learn how to pray.
- I have sidestepped the reality that many people in the congregation most likely have no one praying for them.
- I have not promoted a structure which would members committing to pray for others daily.
- I have not come to terms with how members are being attacked by Satan and misled into difficulties and traps they are experiencing.
- I have not faced issues that need to be addressed with compassion and wisdom applies. Issues such as molestation, bullying, Internet pornography, seduction, addictions, defrauding, hooking up, domestic violence, misleading messages and messengers.
Contact Info:
Websites: https://adultssavingkids.org or https://parentsarise.org
Phone: Cell: 612-708-1875
Email: info.adultssavingkids@gmail.com
Address: Adults Saving Kids
1810 11th Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55404
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