Truth Exposes And Transforms Lies

One’s Identity in Christ

Lie: I will live today, die and be eaten by worms, and have no existence therefore I am worthless.
Truth: Christ has chosen me, forgiven me, joined me to his death and resurrection in baptism, therefore making me into a child of God forever, giving my life eternal value before God.

Lie: Because I do not see God or feel Christian today, I might as well try to look good or feel good by risking my future with risky behavior. It doesn’t matter anyway, my life is meaningless.
Truth: I have Christ within me even though the eyes of my heart often are blind to who I really am. Therefore I focus on and claim the promises given me and I respond faithfully to the calling God has given me to do and be and I seek to be wise in the Holy Spirit about choices I make which might undermine that.

Being a Sheep: Vulnerability Sets Us Up
Lie: Since I am confident nothing bad can happen to me, I will continue to depend upon my own strength and wisdom to get me through life.

Truth: Since we all have our blind sides, to be dependent upon my own self-awareness may well make me as easy target for those who seek to use any perceptions I have or don’t realize I have, against me. I therefore seek to be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove, using prayer, Christian support and boundaries which work for me in dealing with possible treachery.

Lie: Since I am a pretty good person and have survived so far, I think my own perceptions must be reliable.
Truth: Many unnoticed situations set us up for being taken advantage of such as unaddressed trauma in our lives, feeling unloved, misinformation and being inexperienced or naïve.

Facing the Wolves: Recruitment Tactics Shift Everything

Lie: I have an ability to tell who is telling me the truth and who is leading me on.
Truth: Those who recruit young people have usually honed their skills of entrapment to a level far beyond what the young person can even comprehend so that the young person once entrapped actually thinks they have made a personal choice to be where they are.

Lie: I have a personal formula which has worked to keep me from getting into trouble and will in the future.
Truth: It is the job of the recruiter to hone in on the blind side of that formula, push the right buttons and disarm any strategy a person might think they have to defend themselves.

Eaten by the Wolves: Consequences Beyond Imagination

Lie: Only stupid or sinful people get themselves into a fix that totally disrupts and devastates their lives.
Truth: Normal, average, so called “good” people glet caught in the traps recruiters set and find themselves having all or some of these following situations to deal with: Used mercilessly many times a day, alienation from family and friends, become chemically addicted, they themselves recruit others and ruin their lives, set up children for failure, get post traumatic stress syndrome, have mental problems, have learned helplessness, lose chance for education, commit crimes, use sex as a drug, use others, lose capacity to love, manipulate to survive. divorce.

Leadership is Eminently Possible: Standing for the Young People
Lie: Prostitution is common, there is nothing which can be done to transform its impact, therefore this is one subject we can forget about.
Truth: Because this is a long neglected injustice and oppression and because we now understand the deceit and dynamics of what is going on, those who step out courageously can give powerful and effective leadership that makes a major difference.

Lie: People make bad choices and I have better ways to spend my time than to try to do something about people who have made their own bed. Let them sleep in it.
Truth: To confront what is really going on is to open up a whole new arena of myth shattering truth, to see with fresh eyes the dangers our youth are in today, to get excited about what it means to be in ministry and to be in a public leadership position the church has seldom had in many years. We need people to decisively take on leader ship roles.

Contact Info:
Websites: or
Phone:		Office:	612-869-5450
                Cell:	612-708-1875 
Address:	Adults Saving Kids
		6501 Woodlake Drive, #814
		Richfield, MN  55423

Bible References:

  • Proverbs 1-7
  • Matthew 10:16
  • II Timothy 3:16-17


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